T.Jay Santa Ana

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“Gotta Show Up if You Wanna Be Seen”

The time came and went and yet, fortunately for me, the time has almost come, again!

I’ll explain ;)

Art Night at Basic Bar/Pizza in Downtown, San Diego was awesome. I felt super honored to have been asked by Optimus Volts to show a piece. His work is amazing, by the way, so check it out when you can. I first met him at the Empower show I was in earlier this year and I remember thinking how dope his art was.

I loved hanging out and just casually chatting with the other artists who had pieces on display. Made some good connections, learned a lot. I bought a piece from Aaron Summers, an artist who was live painting that night. It’s an abstract red sphere floating in a sort of three dimensional environment, called “Passion.” For some reason it feels appropriate to have in my life right now as a reminder for why I’m even doing all this. It felt good to be out and about, with the community, talking and walking.

That’s one area of my career that I really wanted to focus on this year and honestly, not to toot it or boot it but I’m totally tooting this look. The Avett Brothers said it best: “Gotta show up if you wanna be seen.” And Brenda I’ve been networking and showing up the house down to filth, henny. And my anxiety will always say things like, “Yeah, but ...” and maybe it’s ego, too, to keep me on my toes, but I’m mitigating those conversations. I’m returning to affirmations, centering myself to prepare for more cosmic healing and energy which I know will always be the basis of my art.

And now, in three days, yet another event to prepare for and look forward to! Art Unites presents: Duality, and yours truly will be live-painting. But here’s the gag: 


There’s no better time than now to explore how a shift in our perspectives can alter how we view reality. I’ve never done anything like this before —painting in front of people in public and using neon paints to create, it'll definitely be a change in perspective for sure.

I guess what it boils down to is trust, right? Trusting the process, the journey, whatever and wherever that might be. It sounds cliche, and maybe it is, but it’s my truth. I never saw “live-painting” as something I would ever add to my creative resume, but hey, one year later and here I am. 

I don’t really know who the audience is for this blog, just yet, but for any of you out there who read this here’s a personal invitation to come out Saturday night (yes, cinco de mayo grorl) and come check out all the amazing things Art Unites has planned! Three awesome bands, vendors, art, drank. Come see me and my attempt to bring my process out into public beneath the strangest color spotlight for an artist to be under. The first 10 to show me “the secret post” will receive a mystery gift (follow my IG for "the secret post") —available while supplies last.

See you in three days!

Kensington Club
4079 Adams Ave
San Diego CA. 92116