TJS_PinBackerCard.JPG Screen Shot 2021-12-13 at 1.23.08 AM.png

1" DesignerCon Lapel Pin

IMG_7252.JPG IMG_7254.JPG

Framed Mixed Media Original

IMG_4622.JPG IMG_4620.JPG

"One Thing Leads to Another"

"The Death of What Could've Been" IMG_5818.jpg

"The Death of What Could've Been"

IMG_1659.jpg IMG_1560.jpg

"The Ways Souls Depart"

"The Weight of Multiplicities" IMG_4587.JPG

"The Weight of Multiplicities"

"OPEN BOOK" by T. Jay Santa Ana Backcover.jpg

"OPEN BOOK" by T. Jay Santa Ana

"The Death of What Could've Been" 12" x 18" Print TJS_2024_12x18s5.jpg

"The Death of What Could've Been" 12" x 18" Print

"The Ways Souls Depart" 12" x 18" Print TJS_2024_12x18s4.jpg

"The Ways Souls Depart" 12" x 18" Print

"Buhol Buhol No. 1" 12" x 18" Print TJS_2024_12x18s3.jpg
sold out

"Buhol Buhol No. 1" 12" x 18" Print

"Buhol Buhol No. 2" 12" x 18" Print TJS_2024_12x18s2.jpg

"Buhol Buhol No. 2" 12" x 18" Print

"Blue Gene Baby" 12" x 18" Print TJS_2024_12x18s.jpg

"Blue Gene Baby" 12" x 18" Print

"One Thing Leads to Another" 12" x 18" Print TJS_2024_12x18s6.jpg

"One Thing Leads to Another" 12" x 18" Print

"Caffeinated, Horny, and Hyper Aware" 12" x 18" print TJS_CaffHornHypAware.jpg

"Caffeinated, Horny, and Hyper Aware" 12" x 18" print

"Different Paths to Different Dimensions" 12" x 18" print TJS_DifferentPathstoDifferentDimensions.jpg

"Different Paths to Different Dimensions" 12" x 18" print

"Fade Fade Faded" 12" x 18" print TJS_FadeFaded.jpg

"Fade Fade Faded" 12" x 18" print

"The Fellas Face a Different Way" 12" x 18" print TJS_FellasFaceaDiffWay.jpg

"The Fellas Face a Different Way" 12" x 18" print

"Empty Criticism" 12" x 18" print TJS_EmptyCriticsm.jpg

"Empty Criticism" 12" x 18" print

"Journey" 12" x 18" print TJS_Journey.jpg

"Journey" 12" x 18" print

"Scorpio Mind" 12" x 18" print TJS_ScorprioMind.jpg

"Scorpio Mind" 12" x 18" print

"Ghoste Phinger" 12" x 18" print TJS_GhostePhinger.jpg

"Ghoste Phinger" 12" x 18" print

"If Only for a Spell " 12" x 18" print TJS_IfonlyForASpell.jpg

"If Only for a Spell " 12" x 18" print

"The Moods Take Shape" 12" x 18" print TJS_MoodsTakeShape.jpg

"The Moods Take Shape" 12" x 18" print

"New Moon in Leo" 12" x 18" print TJS_NewMooninLeo.jpg

"New Moon in Leo" 12" x 18" print

"Phantom" 12" x 18" print TJS_Phantom.jpg

"Phantom" 12" x 18" print

"Post Calculation Jubilee" 12" x 18" print TJS_PostCalculationJubilee.jpg

"Post Calculation Jubilee" 12" x 18" print

"Processing the Season" 12" x 18" print TJS_ProcessingtheSEason.jpg

"Processing the Season" 12" x 18" print

"Cruising in the Ruins" 12" x 18" print TJS_Ruins.jpg

"Cruising in the Ruins" 12" x 18" print

"Portrait of A Moment in Flux" 12" x 18" print TJS_MomentinFlux.jpg

"Portrait of A Moment in Flux" 12" x 18" print

"Shower Meditations" 12" x 18" print TJS_ShowerMeditations.jpg

"Shower Meditations" 12" x 18" print

"A Word in Edgewise No. 1" 12" x 18" print TJS_SketchySomething1.jpg

"A Word in Edgewise No. 1" 12" x 18" print

"A Word in Edgewise No. 2" 12" x 18" print TJS_SketchySomething2.jpg

"A Word in Edgewise No. 2" 12" x 18" print

"To Sit with the Sadness" 12" x 18" print TJS_ToSitwiththeSadness.jpg

"To Sit with the Sadness" 12" x 18" print

"Secrets at LeStat's" 12" x 18" print TJS_WaterColor1.jpg

"Secrets at LeStat's" 12" x 18" print

"The Weight of Multiplicity" 12" x 18" print TJS_WeightofMultiplicity.jpg

"The Weight of Multiplicity" 12" x 18" print

"It Will Happen When it Happens" 12" x 18" print TJS_WillHappenWhenitHappens.jpg

"It Will Happen When it Happens" 12" x 18" print

"As if By Magic" 12" x 18" print TJS_Windows.jpg

"As if By Magic" 12" x 18" print
